Pre-School Education

Obeikan designs and delivers complete educational experiences that stimulate young minds and prepare the next generation for a lifetime of success.

Professional Training and Development   

Obeikan Education Company has specialized experts for the first time in the Kingdom in training and developing the skills of Saudi nursery teachers in line with the developmental goals of this stage. In addition qualified leaders provide training courses on the most important topics of early childhood: such as behavior guidance, learning and motivation, educational tools, as well as scientific research skills. It also strives for continuous follow-up on the training of nursery teachers to accompany the child throughout their educational journey from the primary care stage to the transition to the kindergarten stage. We also strive to instill the philosophy that the nursery teacher should be like a “mother” who cares for everything related to the child, from clothing and food to monitoring their growth. 


The professional development of kindergarten teachers aims to achieve the second strategic objective in the National Transformation Program, which is to improve, attract, prepare, qualify, and develop teachers, as they are the cornerstone of the educational mission and a basic pillar for building generations. The kindergarten stage also has great specificity and importance, as its outputs are reflected in the future educational stages. The professional development of kindergarten teachers is a development of that stage, through which we can invest the effective energies of children in the future, and establish an aware generation that recognizes the importance of science in building societies, and masters the performance of its national duties and how to enhance them for the glory of their homelands.